Tuesday, March 28, 2006

Immigrant Lark Borrows Criminal Trouble

This is a Meadow Lark via Friends of Adams Farm. I can do AM as required, but I am not this excited about it.

1) This Sun-Times article by David J. Montgomery of the Crime Fiction Dossier blog and Mystery Ink includes nice verbiage on a few authors I knew from Chicago. It's good to see they're all rocking along, even if it makes me passing envious. They've all been working hard at it for years, and for the cop-authors who used to (and I'm sure still do) generously provide law enforcement facts for other writers, I'm pleased to see them doing well. Congrats Dave Case on your debut! Sounds good, and I'll have to check it out. Add it to my teetering tower of the To-Be-Read.

2) President Bill Clinton was recently assigned a chauffeur wanted for deportation since 2000. No problem with INS recordkeeping and follow-up. Really.

3) I was talking with a woman recently who was slightly perturbed the mother of a deceased acquaintance from high school wasn't forthcoming enough with the circumstances of his death to satisfy her curiosity. But how important should that be to a mother who's lost her son? It reminded me of a common current phenomenon where people borrow tangential tragedy as if it's happened to them as an additional badge of victimhood. These people claim the horrors of any acquaintance's life as something happening in their own life, affecting them incredibly deeply. Perhaps. Sometimes. However, Jonathan Yardley properly dismisses the borrowed angst and cultivated trauma of relatives who happen also to be- shudder- memoirists.

4) I am no lark. But as one who spent the first classes of every high-school day in sticky-eyed pain, I applaud this post via The Education Wonks and The Quick and The Ed about the utility of moving HS first period to later in the morning even if it does deprioritize afternoon athletics in favor of academic curriculum.

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