Tuesday, February 07, 2006

FW: Willow and Alexandre Herchcovitch and Luella Bartley

Willow did a lot with the Transparent Dress (top left) and layering theme. Sometimes it was sexy, sometimes seemed pointless, but they also included this czarina look (top right) that was interesting. I wish I could see the bottom, but I probably care most about the jacket anyway. I also liked their inclusion of some acid green in the collection and the double rectangle buckle belts.

See full slideshows here.

Alexandre Hercovitch had many sad and shapeless clothes in The Slattern mode (bottom left) that looked like they were made by a failed collective. In accessories, he had skull belts that, given my history, I wanted to adore, but the contrast with the clothes felt too contrived.

What I loved most about Luella Bartley was the complete outfitting that occurred (bottom right). Fully actualized ensembles with candy-colored accessories that were pops of color, shape, and whimsy. Too outre and chunky sometimes, but many Sassy points are awarded.

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