Tuesday, February 07, 2006

FW: Jenni Kayne and Ruffian

I liked both these shows, but I'm clearer about the reasons for Jenni Kayne. Her proportions were elaborated, but remained pleasing. This was, to me, one of the most wearable collections I saw. I liked the truncated sleeves on this jacket (top left), the layering of garment lengths and colors- yea for yellow!- in outfits, and was excited that the extra draping she scalloped over the hips didn't move the clothes toward slatternly or unflattering. This dress is sexylicious (top right).

Ruffian got a little more extreme in proportions and prints, especially using the questionable Eggplant shapes in fur and velvet coats (middle right) and dresses. They have a somewhat roaring 20s feel which I know I'm responding to, but I think the variety of color and texture, while echoing some of what I've seen in other shows, created a more cohesive look than in some. There were a couple of wonderful dresses like this in gray (middle left) and black velvet (bottom left).

Am I nuts? Look at them both. See what you think.

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