Wednesday, September 27, 2006

Tikis and Hoboes and Sherpas, Fer Cry-eye!

Artistic indulgence of inner tiki via Shag's Benevolent Idol.

I'm not tying them all together, forget that, but they will all be present, which is a darn sight further than anyone else has ever delivered on this hydra-headed subject, I'll wager.

Via Arts and Letters Daily, read the history of America's faux-Polynesian movement, a mental Xanadu of the mid-century, still much-beloved by me and known to the world as TIKI!
Note to visitors: Despite the waitresses' thematic bikini tops and hula skirts, Waikiki Wally's cement walls and floors either make it feel authentically like a basement bar, or chilly and

Via That Girl Who Writes Stuff, I found the blog Vonnegut's Asshole where Eric describes why one should not compare the taste of the wine to hobo balls. Read it in its delightful entirety, and then award yourself with the following bonus post. He feels about nefarious and crafty Sherpas the way I feel about the threat from wily Canadians.

The guy who plays the PC in the Mac ads- thankless butt-whupping, right?- is Johnathan Hodgman, and he's written a compendium of all worthy knowledge called The Areas of My Expertise. This pertains, because he includes 700 genuine hobo names like Fatneck Runt and Trixie of the East. Hodgman reads them aloud here with accompaniment, and cartoonists have submitted (multiple) illustrations for all the names at the 700 Hoboes Project at E-hobo.

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