Thursday, March 24, 2005

Life is Constitutionally guaranteed- unless you're disabled

The Terri Schiavo case has brought forth another malevolent aspect of the MSM. As I watch, I repeatedly see Terri mischaracterized as being on life support or comatose, as requiring more than food and water when in fact she requires much less physical assistance than many seriously disabled people who we haven't killed- yet. I think the more familiar you are with her condition and how contentious and uncorroborated by data her PVS diagnosis is, the less you want to kill her off as a hopeless case.

Last week brought the New York Times' jaw-dropping article on how starving to death is just a sweet goodnight. A thinking response goes something like: If it's such a picnic to starve, why should we intervene in hunger in Africa and the developing world? Were all those videos of children with bloated stomachs crying in pain just faked-up propaganda? Shouldn't the rescued concentration camp victims have surrendered to the "euphoria" of skeletal death? That the "right-to-die" movement would be so entrenched in their media that they can't consider anyone might not want to be exterminated by such "gentle" means is as telling as it is repulsive.

Michelle Malkin rounds up the current predjudicial coverage here.

Startlingly, the only place I've seen a recovered PVS victim on television was on Fox News' Your World with Neil Cavuto, a business news program. I wish I could find a link for the interview, but he had on a woman who suffered a severe stroke and was in a PVS for 70 days. Much shorter time, I know, but she noted that she was put promptly into rehab and that in her assessment, Terri hasn't had the chance to prove what improvements might be possible. I agree. The most chilling part of her interview was when she reported that she had been aware of everything happening to her while in the PVS. She felt "trapped inside her body" with no way to communicate. Her medical team so underestimated her ability to feel that during surgery, she was underanesthetized because they didn't think she could sense anything in her condition anyway. She was aware and suffering excrutiating pain.

If that's not the stuff of nightmares, what is?

This woman said that, based on her own experiences, Terri may be much more aware than anyone is crediting. This "vegetable" can now think and speak well enough to tell us about it, and is an author and spokesperson for the similarly affected. Isn't that enough reason to hesitate?

Death is today's MSM deception, rewriting starvation and dehydration as euphoric when properly understood as terrible by every world religion, charity, human rights organization, and even every B-movie director who ever set a movie in the desert.

Disabled people can have all the parking spots and handrails they want, but shouldn't expect their rights to exist to be championed.

A child with a cup of water for Terri is handcuffed, perp-walked, and loaded into a squad car. Thank goodness law enforcement is nipping this junior scofflaw in the bud.

Orwell's dystopia is here in a psychadelic new flavor. Your right to Live, clearly specified in the Constitution is subordinate to your right-to-die, something humans have never had problems managing on their own and whose sanctity isn't specifically preserved at all. In the new nihilism, death equals the pursuit of happiness.

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